Sick chick, very swollen


11 Years
Jul 10, 2008
New to chicks and heart is breaking. Two days ago noticed my baby aracana was much bigger, thought she was just growing fast. Yesterday, noticed she was lethagic and worse today. Her chest/body is VERY swollen and she has trouble walking. Her vent seems clear. She won't eat but she will drink all the water I give her. After drinking a lot, I was checking her vent and all the water just came out. Don't know what to do, not sure she'll live long enough for a reply. She is about 5 wks.
I'm sorry your having problems with the chick...lots of things can go wrong in their systems and we never know what brings them down....
Thank you for your kind words. She is still hanging in there. From reading the threads it seems like maybe her croup is impacted, I tried massaging her but it didn't seem to go down any. I haven't been able to get her to drink any water though this a.m. Question: if it is croup, is it contagious? I have two other chicks that are the same age. I have seperated her from them.

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