Sick chicken, digestive problems? $800 vet bill, what can I do at home

Alright thanks guys! I’ll get to the shop when they open. It’s 7:30 am here. Discos crop is EMPTY! It’s a miracle. I have her her pills with a tea spoon of yoghurt. I tried to mix her layer crumble with water but she’s not interested. All she wants to eat is eggs and yogurt. Will try to mix the feed with the egg and she how she goes. I want to keep her on very soft foods for now. Poo is basically just water now :/
Great News!
Hopefully poops will firm up soon.
Alright thanks guys! I’ll get to the shop when they open. It’s 7:30 am here. Discos crop is EMPTY! It’s a miracle. I have her her pills with a tea spoon of yoghurt. I tried to mix her layer crumble with water but she’s not interested. All she wants to eat is eggs and yogurt. Will try to mix the feed with the egg and she how she goes. I want to keep her on very soft foods for now. Poo is basically just water now :/
Glad to hear the crop is empty! Keep us posted.
Your little Disco is beautiful & I can tell that you love her a great deal. I am glad that she's perking up & hope that continues. I am looking forward to hearing about her making a full recovery.

Thank you! I really do ❤️ this has been so hard for me. This morning though I kneeled down in the bathroom with her and she came over and jumped in my lap for pats, she’s never done this before! And she did it 2 more times after that. My heart melted!

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