Sick Chicken, not standing, panting Very Hot outside


In the Brooder
9 Years
Feb 11, 2010

My easter egger is not doing well. She was fine last night and this morning, but as the heat has climbed she has lost her ability to stand. She wobbles and just plops down almost onto her face/beak. She's not interested in drinking and is panting pretty hard. It's currently 104 degrees out.

I just moved her into MORE shade, put on a fan and under the misters under the tree by the coop.

The other chickens appear fine.

Any ideas on what it is or what to do that I haven't done yet??
She's still not standing, curls her toes and just plops. We brought her inside to cool her off. She seems to be "wheezing" a bit but just quietly. No oddly colored eyes or anything.
Doesn't want to eat or drink.

She has an egg she hasn't laid yet...not sure if we should do anything about that.
She's moving around. I have pictures but they aren't making it to my email account. Nothing noteworthy in them though.
Maybe pour water on the ground by her so she can burrow into wet soil when she's outside.
Do you have any vitamins & electrolytes you can give her? If so, I would definitely carefully drip a few drops at a time in her beak. Or Poly-Visol children's liquid vitamins (the kind without iron)? Gatorade is okay to use in a pinch, too.
That should help her blood sugar come up enough and inject nutrition that hopefully will help her feel good enough to eat & drink soon, and will help her body recover.
I'm glad you're keeping an eye on her!!! Sounds like the heat is really affecting her.
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thanks I'll try that.

She appears to be foaming at the mouth a bit and now it's in her eyes. Wondering if she could have mareks or a venomous bite of some sort.?

We brought her inside and cooled her off but she's not getting any more stable (able to stand). Her legs just splay out behind her. feh, I'm seriously worried now.
Before assuming Merek's try vit B.
I was advised my chick had Merek's based on leg and wing paralysis and after four days on vit b she is continuing to improve. Today she was standing and flapping her wings, motivating herself all over her pen area I made for her safety from the other chickens.
Vitamin B what? (there are a lot of them). We have agrilabs vitamins and electrolytes plus with B-12. Would that work? If not where do you get what you are speaking about ? Thanks!
Im using my multi B so Im not sure what one specifically but Im thinking thiamine.
My Baby is doing SOOOOOOOO much better. This experience got me thinking..."I wonder how many vit B deficient chicks have been culled due to the thought that they might have Merek's." Just the possibility of this breaks my heart.
The advice to me was to cull herasa it was most likely Merek's. I just couldnt do it and got second opinion from SVchickens forum in California. That advice was to administer vit B.
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"Thiamin (B-1 or or aneurine) is involved in numerous body functions, including: nervous system and muscle functioning; flow of electrolytes in and out of nerve and muscle cells (through ion channels); multiple enzyme processes (via the coenzyme thiamin pyrophosphate); carbohydrate metabolism; and production of hydrochloric acid (which is necessary for proper digestion). Because there is very little thiamin stored in the body, depletion can occur as quickly as within 14 days.

Severe chronic thiamin deficiency (beriberi) can result in potentially serious complications involving the nervous system/brain, muscles, heart, and gastrointestinal system.

Dietary sources of thiamin include beef, brewer's yeast, legumes (beans, lentils), milk, nuts, oats, oranges, pork, rice, seeds, wheat, whole grain cereals, and yeast. In industrialized countries, foods made with white rice or white flour are often fortified with thiamin (because most of the naturally occurring thiamin is lost during the refinement process)."
Taken from the website:
At her lowest point she had no apparent feeling in her legs and wings. I made this chair for her so take the pressure off her legs. She hates it but she fell asleep (the pic) in it.


Yesterday she was on her haunches eating and using her wings a bit. Here is a pic of her on her haunches as she plays with Little Friend, her only sibling.


Today I could hardly keep track of her. She used her wings and legs the best she could to move around. She was able to stand up fairly normally though she is weak. Note that she was without use of her legs for over two weeks so muscle weakness and lack of good balance is expected. I know she just has to gain strength and get her balance back now. Im continuing vit B in her water and as a coating on her food.
Note that she has always been alert, in good spirits (she sings constantly), eating well and pooing normal. Her comb color has continued to be healthy looking. I just didnt think she was "sick." She didnt have any lethargy and was only limited due to the paralysis.

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