Sick chicken


Aug 2, 2018
Hello! One of my chickens doesn't look well for a couple of days. She is listless, neither eating, nor walking much.
I give her some medicine based on erythromicyn + vitamins. What else can I do for her? The vet is not available for now. Taking into account that she is very weak now, would it be a good idea to give her some subcutaneos injections? I am afraid that the chicken will die if I wait a few more days until the vet can help me.
@casportpony is the expert on tube feeding. I would start out using some water with electrolyes and vitamins, or put 2 ml of Poultry NutriDrench in water. Get her hydrated first, then offer food. KayTee baby bird feed is a popular tube feeding liquid. You may grind up and dissolve some chicken feed in amlot of water if it will go through such a small tube. Yogurt and raw egg go through it.
Hello! One of my chickens doesn't look well for a couple of days. She is listless, neither eating, nor walking much.
I give her some medicine based on erythromicyn + vitamins. What else can I do for her? The vet is not available for now. Taking into account that she is very weak now, would it be a good idea to give her some subcutaneos injections? I am afraid that the chicken will die if I wait a few more days until the vet can help me.

Do you notice and belly swelling?
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After all this time of treatment, and tube feeding with not much improvement, I would be making her comfortable and helping to end her suffering. Blood from the vent sounds very much like she has cancer, and she is probably in pain. I am very sorry, but I have lost many chickens at that age.
She is 5 years old and she stopped laying eggs this year. She used to have a very good egg production, but I guess it's normal to reduce and stop it due to her age.
The crop seems emty, maybe tube feeding would be a good idea, like you said. I gave her some liquids by syringe, forced, of course. Should I use a special tube for the feeding process? Wouldn't be a perfusion more effective? Thank you for your time.
Do you know how to do subcutaneous fluids? You can get fluids into her with that, but with tube feeding you can give her food, water, and vitamins/electrolytes. A temporary feeding tube can be made with a 15 inch length of aquarium air tubing (melt one end with a lighter to soften the sharp edges.) Find that in the fish/pet section of Walmart. That will connect to a large 35 ml syringe from a feed store. Here is some info on tube feeding:


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