Sick duck

I'm so sorry there hasn't been a change yet. But don't give up hope, it may take her awhile to catch up on the deficiency.
U get the video I sent you? I held that link that I sent you and then I hit three little dots up in the corner and I hit Chrome, Chrome and it played so maybe it's will for you yet try it out and see.. let me know?
Yes, I was able to watch the video. It looks like she's happy. Is her one leg (the only one I could really see on the video) really swollen? It was hard to tell. It looked like she was doing alright standing to preen, that's good. It might be hard on her legs jumping out of the little pond. I guess if you're hovering around and thought she was about done you could lift her out to be baby them. In regards to the male, he's going to be totally sad to be locked up alone, and he will probably relentlessly try to mate if he's with her. She's dependent on him as well and he's her only duck friend, and mate, so she needs him. You really need to add more females to your flock if you want to keep them, so that he has options and she has friends. Are there any full-grown girls that you might adopt - even just a pair, so that she gets a break? Just trying to think of ideas....
She don't want to come out if her cage today and last night when I picked her up she was terrible acting ... Quacking real loud and struggling just didn't even want picked up,. Now we got the mail duck out and she did come out of her cage but I don't know why she want to sit in here she still hasn't went out the door but she came out of her cage but I made him to go out.. why do you think she could be acting this way!
She hasn't been laying eggs...she hasn't been eating very well the last couple of days.. she didn't eat anything yesterday except the piece of bread I gave her yesterday with her vitamin..
I'm so sorry to hear that! So she won't eat her duck food at all? Is she drinking water alright?

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