Sick dying chicks. **UPDATE 8-7 PICS pg. 19**

This is indeed good news! I'm so happy for you ...especially after all the grief and worry that you gone through!
Sulmet will mask the symptoms of Coryza as good as anything, and is a sure fire way to tell if infact they do have Coryza..Coryza is the only respiratory disease that responds to sulmet
Oh Stacey, I am so thankfull that you have found the answer you have so long awaited for. Now you can get started on cleaning up this mess. I am so happy for you. But I have one question............How long before you can let the birds free range and how long before the little ones can come to their home? Do you have to disinfect the whole coop? The yard? the run? O.K, how long before we can visit again? LOL

Lots of hugs for ya! So happy----
gave you 5 cause its the number of Grace. Amen. All this will soon be behind you.

One more ? -- will they still be carriers and can you eat the eggs once your girls start laying?
I haven't updated for a few days, so I thought I would take a minute to update everyone.

There has been a lot happen this weekend. Yesterday a 2 wk. Partridge Rock baby died. Friday, I lost a 2 wk. old Buff Orp. baby. I have another BO that I don't think will make it longer than a few more days. I placed my order for the Gallimycin yesterday and payed the express charge for the shipping because I bought vaccines as well (so express shipping was necessary) and it helps me so I can get these babies started on their new and stronger antibiotic as quickly as possible. I have also weighed the fact that I am raising 9 cockerels that were going to be dinner at one point for no reason now. With the Coryza, vaccines, and antibiotics I would never feel safe feeding those birds to my family. I came to the realization that they needed to be culled A.S.A.P., so I came home from church and did the deed this afternoon.
That was not a pleasant task for sure and I am glad it's over. They were all 5 wks. old and I've had to tell myself that they were going to die sooner or later, so sooner, under these circumstances, was better.

Thanks again to all of you who have given me so much support through this ordeal. I can't wait for the day that my flock will once again be healthy. Sending lots of hugs to all of you!

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