Sick dying chicks. **UPDATE 8-7 PICS pg. 19**

Will post pics soon! I also have had another bantam hatch along with more pips!
Even with proper measures other things can bring disease to your flock, such as wild birds. A seemingly healthy flock one day can be sick the next. Just educate yourself and do tons of research.
Im glad you can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel with what has happen. My thoughts will be with you.
You have played a huge roll in setting me on the right road to getting my birds better! I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I have been reading lots and lots and educating myself as best I can. Hopefully there will never be a next time, but if there is, I am doing my best to be better prepared for it. Thanks again for all of your help with everything!
Not yet Mahonri! It's not over yet. Keep those prayers comin'!

My you're up early!
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im so sorry to hear about your babies, i know how you feel, ive been there. the best way to avoid this from ever happing again is to get them from a well known hatchery. and myself personally i make sure that they are vaccinated for mereks and newcastle. cause you never can be careful if you get chicks from an auction etc. they may not have the out right disease but they maybe a carrier. had one that was a carrier and didnt know that at the time. but my prayers are with you.
Stacey, I'm so glad to hear your hatch is progressing, and that your birds are getting better every day! I'm SO happy you didn't have to cull them all - that would have been horrible!! Keep on keeping us posted, and post some pics soon!
That's so sad.... I'm so very glad you have made it through! If it was possible I would have been glad to come and help you with all your babies.

Thank you so much for sharing your experience with all of us. I would have never known without finding this site. Thank You, BYC! I for one have learned a very important lesson today just by reading this thread!

Good Luck Stacy with the rest of your babies. A good name for your first new baby might be "Hope".
Lots of hugs from me to You!
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