Sick hen...advise please

Thank you so much for all the input. It sounds like she could be molting with something else bugging her.
This morning she at least went to go sit on the outside perch with everyone else
but she still has the runs quite badly...
I will definitely get some pro biotics today and give the vet a call
Hmmm, that is concerning. I don't have a vet near by that deals with chickens as I live in the suburbs. Do you think a probiotic would do the trick?
As the day progressed her poo got runnier and more explosive, but then again all she really ate was vegetation which is full of fluids.
And do you know what would explain the almost sudden feather loss?

I really hope she is just moulting

If Probiotic in the water doesn't bring back her health then you just might have a bigger problem to deal with ...... And yes vegies do tend to give the chickens watery poo ,,,,,that is normal .......

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