Sick hen, lookong for last ditch effort ideas before I put her down


8 Years
Jan 17, 2016
Hi there,

I have a gold sex link hen who is about 3.5 years old. I noticed her acting off in December of last year she was standing more upright than the other birds, comb flopped over and was just generally off. Her abdomen felt swollen, like a too full beach ball and it affected the structure of her legs and she waddled. She was also pretty thin everywhere else and i could feel her breast bone and her crop was empty. I figured she had ascites or internal laying but I gave her an epsom salt soak and treated the whole flock with corrid just in case. Somehow, she perked up after that. She was waddling around more, eating and drinking but has not been totally normal conformation wise since.

Yesterday morning, she was looking really really bad. Standing upright almost like falling over backward, very swollen abdomen and started having diarrhea. Shes very thin and her breast bone protrudes a lot. Her crop feels empty. This morning she started leaning on things to stabilize herself and was sitting tail feathers down more, her feet are kinda turned in from how big her belly is and her breathing is more labored. So I decided I would euthanize her this afternoon because she looked so bad. I went out around lunch time and she looked a little better, was getting around more. I saw her eat and drink and just generally chatting to her coop mates more. She even chased down a mayfly and ran from me when i tried to get my hand son her to feel her abdomen. So I let her be and now I'm coming to you guys to see if there's anything else you can think of that this could be. I would've figured if I was right about the internal laying or ascites she would have died pretty soon after the first time, not survived 3 more months. What is your assessment and thoughts?
I would've figured if I was right about the internal laying or ascites she would have died pretty soon after the first time, not survived 3 more months. What is your assessment and thoughts?
Not true.. they are conditions that build until death occurs. Some folks drain them.. for comfort and also to see what color the fluid is and get a proper diagnosis.. and treat accordingly if possible. Epsom salt and corid are irrelevant but still interesting to see how people think, and no rudeness meant.

Her stance is enough for me to determine that it's not comfortable.. meaning probably (or at least possibly) in pain, but since we can't feel it.. is easy to deny. And you describe her quality of life as up and down.. but are those little bits of good times chasing a mayfly enough to constitute living in chronic pain and calling it quality?

Please, if it's within you.. euthanize her. It's never an easy choice (even with veterinary help). None of us want to be responsible for ending a life too soon., and we will always question our choice.. but true LOVE and humanity is not doing the easy thing.. in my experience, not theoretical suggestions.

Whatever choice you make.. I'm sorry you both are facing this! :hugs

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