Sick hen with weird green poop

So it sounds like she is getting better but she still not fully recovered. So she’s still feeling the effects of having had worms. Give her another week and I’m sure you’ll see more improvement.
Good luck.
So it sounds like she is getting better but she still not fully recovered. So she’s still feeling the effects of having had worms. Give her another week and I’m sure you’ll see more improvement.
Good luck.
Maybe..or not. Today she is just sitting on the ground in the run with her eyes closed, not doing much of anything.
She's not improving. Today is the last of the five day Safeguard treatment. She is just laying in the run, and I have not observed her eating or drinking today. She refused her normal feed this morning, but I was able to get her eat some scrambled eggs. She continues to poop a very green slimy poop.

I just don't know what to do for her. The other hen is doing just fine.
She's not improving. Today is the last of the five day Safeguard treatment. She is just laying in the run, and I have not observed her eating or drinking today. She refused her normal feed this morning, but I was able to get her eat some scrambled eggs. She continues to poop a very green slimy poop.

I just don't know what to do for her. The other hen is doing just fine.
Oh no :( and things were seemingly looking promising, I’ve just come across this thread: it’s old, however shows some pictures so if it’s similar there might be other things to try? Keep us updated and fingers crossed!!
I’m giving Baytril a shot. Not sure what other options I have. I feel like I’m losing her, and really not sure of what to do about it.

I was able to get her to eat just a little with the Baytril. Otherwise, she just doesn’t seem to be very interested in food. She is emptying her crop at night, but it isn’t much, since she is eating so little.
I’m giving Baytril a shot. Not sure what other options I have. I feel like I’m losing her, and really not sure of what to do about it.

I was able to get her to eat just a little with the Baytril. Otherwise, she just doesn’t seem to be very interested in food. She is emptying her crop at night, but it isn’t much, since she is eating so little.
Everything crossed for you that she pulls through, hopefully little and often might see some improvement?
I’m so sorry to hear your girl is sick. It sounds like reproductive issues to me; I lost an ISA Brown recently and she was laying shell-less and mangled eggs and pooping green poo. I dropped a bundle trying to save her; hormone implant, antibiotics etc but I ended up having to have her euthanised. Do you have access to an avian vet? If you do, that would be my first port of call. I hope you are able to save her. :hugs :fl
Well..she actually ate some of her Normal feed today, and I did see her drinking water. I have been putting Corid in their water now for three days. Maybe Cocci was part of the problem?
I’m not ready to declare victory for her yet. However, her activity level today was certainly way better than it has been for many days.
She got into the run of my five week olds, and started eating their chick crumbles. Again, big improvement from even yesterday.

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