Sick New Hampshire Red hen. (egg bound? Other?) I'm new to this, need help. (pics)


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 18, 2012
I'll start off by saying that I am new to all of this, I am learning as I go. This is the first sick chicken we have had in two years. Penny's abdomen is swollen and she is walking like a penguin. She doesn't like to move much, and will eat and drink if I hold it up for her to get to. She is about 2 years old and thus far been laying fairly well. So far I have tried:

- Warm bath
- Holding her vent over a bowl of steaming water (dear god that smelled bad)
- Felt for eggs thinking she was egg bound, but couldn't really feel anything. (again.. new to this)
- Epsom salt water (she did drink that.. maybe 10 min ago)
- Fed a mash of yogurt, grit, feed, veggies & water) She wouldn't eat any of it, but she did eat plain egg layer feed mixed with grit, although not much.

I don't have hundreds to spend on taking a $2 dollar chicken to the vet, but I do not want her to be in pain either. Is there anyone who knows what may be wrong with her? Here are some pics and I'm trying to upload a video, but she waddles and moves very slowly like a penguin
I had to separate her from the other hens because a few of them kept attacking her. So for now she is outside in the backyard during the day and in a small cage in the garage at night since it is still cold here in northern Colorado.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, I hate seeing her this way and want to help her any way I can.

(short video my son took)

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Penny may have a reproductive problem like internal laying, egg yolk peritonitis, or ascites (water belly.) These things can cause them to walk like a penguin as egg bound also does. Is her swollen abdomen soft or firm? There is usually not a good outcome to any of things problems, although antibiotics from your vet may help with peritonitis. Fluid in ascites can be withdrawn periodically to ease pressure and pain, but will come back. Be sure to confirm that she is not egg bound by inserting a lubricated finger into her vent about 2 inches (wear a rubber glove.)
I would like to add that since she is laying well, it may well be egg binding. I'm not sure why she would smell bad around her vent, unless she would have vent gleet or a dirty rear end, or a prolapse.
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