Sick peas

This is the last sick bird. She has had two injections of Tylan, one last Friday, (although I may have not administered it correctly), and a second one Monday. This picture is after DW and I cleaned the pus and infection out and irrigated with saline. She has labored breathing and a rattle in her lungs. I haven't decided whether to do a third injection Thursday or not. It may be her second injection as I may have gone through the skin and out the other side with the needle the first time.

Could you comment on the puffiness under the jaw? She seems to be the only one that has that swelling under the chin, (gullet?) Also is there an inner eyelid? What you see in the picture is not the eye but something that resembles an inner eyelid that comes back from the front covering the eye. The eye can be seen under it.

All the rest of the birds look great, eating well, and strutting about. Thanks to the help I got here.

I agree I don't think she got enough on the first shot. If she doesn't look any better by Thursday give her another one. It took one of my birds 6-7 days for him to look normal again. Try opening her mouth and look inside. Look for pus or anything else in there and look at thr roof of her mouth and see if you see any pus there as well. Feel around her eyes and see if the swelling is hard or soft. How warm is it where you are? Are there any bees out in your area? It looks like she also got bit by something or ate something she is having a reaction to. Here is my male who got stung by a bee, I gave him some tylan 200 a one time shot of 1.5cc/ml and it cleared up in about 5 days.
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Yes we have bees, about two hundred hives but only about 35 here on this property. I don't believe that this is a sting reaction as this bird had this long before it got warm enough for the bees to fly. That and she has the respiratory problems with the raspiness in the lungs. We did feel the eye while cleaning it and it was soft and there was not a lot of infection to clean out unlike the pea that lost her eye a couple of months ago. The eye was pretty much matted shut when we began. We also looked down her throat and did not see any white cheesy stuff, DW was looking as I was holding the bird so there may have been mucus and DW did not see it.

I ask again, is there an inner eye lid? If not what am I looking at that is covering the eyeball?

It was beautiful out today, near seventy and the bees were really digging the feed I put out for them.

I will be praying for their speedy recovery

Yes they have a third eyelid.
here is some info on it.
The nictitating membrane (from Latin nictare, to blink) is a transparent or translucent third eyelid present in some animals that can be drawn across the eye for protection and to moisten it while maintaining visibility. Some reptiles, birds, and sharks have full nictitating membranes; in many mammals, a small, vestigial portion of the membrane remains in the corner of the eye. Some mammals, such as camels, polar bears, seals and aardvarks, have full nictitating membranes. Often called a third eyelid or haw
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Yes we have bees, about two hundred hives but only about 35 here on this property. I don't believe that this is a sting reaction as this bird had this long before it got warm enough for the bees to fly. That and she has the respiratory problems with the raspiness in the lungs. We did feel the eye while cleaning it and it was soft and there was not a lot of infection to clean out unlike the pea that lost her eye a couple of months ago. The eye was pretty much matted shut when we began. We also looked down her throat and did not see any white cheesy stuff, DW was looking as I was holding the bird so there may have been mucus and DW did not see it.

I ask again, is there an inner eye lid? If not what am I looking at that is covering the eyeball?

It was beautiful out today, near seventy and the bees were really digging the feed I put out for them.

That is so cool. We don't see hardly any honey bees where I live lots of bumble bees (not the tuna LOL). Sorry I did not see the question about the eye lid but it was answered above. The swelling should go down along with the swelling around the eyes. This pea is also split to pied you can clearly see the throat latch
That is so cool. We don't see hardly any honey bees where I live lots of bumble bees (not the tuna LOL). Sorry I did not see the question about the eye lid but it was answered above. The swelling should go down along with the swelling around the eyes. This pea is also split to pied you can clearly see the throat latch

Now that I have learned something about throat latches I will have to go out tomorrow and study all of them anew. These two came from two different sources, FBC was talking on a different thread about the recessive traits and how they may stay hidden for many generations. I guess if I want pied I should look for some different stock that presents pied more openly.
How's the sickest one?


We can now say the sick one.
She still looks like she isn't feeling well and the eye is the same. We did a quick feeding this morning and went to town, just got back about midnight. We plan to give her another shot tomorrow and clean the eye again. I was able to look down her throat and it looked pretty clear. They didn't get their special treats this afternoon so we will make it up to them tomorrow.
We can now say the sick one.
She still looks like she isn't feeling well and the eye is the same. We did a quick feeding this morning and went to town, just got back about midnight. We plan to give her another shot tomorrow and clean the eye again. I was able to look down her throat and it looked pretty clear. They didn't get their special treats this afternoon so we will make it up to them tomorrow.
Glad to hear the rest are better... I'm no expert, but I think the sick one probably needs a different antibiotic or maybe even an antifungal like fluconazole. Any chance you can take her to a vet? FYI, aspergillosis can look just like a bacterial infection, that's why I mentioned fluconazole.

Oh absolutely! All but the one looks right as rain.
Now if we can only get this last little girl welled up. We worked on her for quite awhile this morning giving her another shot of Tylan 1.2 cc SI. Her eye was matted shut so we soaked it with saline and peeled off the mating and rinsing as we cleaned. We were able to push out a pea sized glob of pus, that was a yellowish gelatin substance that once removed brought the swelling way down. Her eye, what we could see of it behind the haw, looked good. We applied some Neosporin and were generally pleased with what we saw when we were done. Her breathing is much improved also, no raspiness at all and only a little drainage from one sinus.

Unfortunately, neither of our two vets are competent with fowl, people around here just do not take birds to vets. One of the vets desk help is helpful though so on our feed run today we will stop in and get some Baytril to have on hand. Seeing as it is Friday I would like to have it for a little insurance for the weekend.

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