Sick pullets... Need advice pls.

Riddleton Roost

6 Years
Jul 2, 2013
I have 18-20 wk old Dominiques & Black Jersey Giants that We purchased from a local hatchery when they were 5 wks old. Also have some 16 wk old white leghorns & RIR's that we purchased from TSC when they were days old. They were all growing & doing great until two wks ago when a Dominique got sick & couldn't get to the roost 3ft off ground. At first she just sat all day but we've been feeding her by hand & given her warm baths. She's walking around now eating & drinking but still looks pale & her feathers look unkept & droopy. We use DE in our coop & run & also apple cider vinegar in their water. They eat the grower crumbles from TSC. Just when we thought we had her on the mend one of our big Black Jersey Giant pullets died very suddenly yesterday morning.
I've been reading this site about mareks & worms & just don't know where to start on treatment. We live in TN but have had a very mild spring/summer so far. Any suggestions are much appreciated.
It's possible this is coincidence. The sudden death could have been something like a heart condition or defect, a ruptured aneurysm, etc. They can have many of the same causes that people do. The Dominique could also have something like ovarian cancer.

Usually I don't see it recommended to worm them before about 8 months, though if it has been wet and warm, and the ground stays moist, you might have an unusual wormy population in your soil -- this is what we have here. Cocci is always a possibility, even at that age, but if none of the others seem reluctant to eat or drink, and don't act cold or tend to look fluffed up or less active, I would say that is unlikely. If you haven't, I would check closely for lice/mites (see link,) which they can get from wild birds pretty readily. DE won't cure a lice/mite infestation or do anything for worms. Many vets will do a fecal smear for worms for not a large fee if you bring a sample; you could check into this. If you feel the problem is worms, I'd give Valbazen, 0.5 ml by mouth for each bird if they are full size large fowl, 0.25 ml for bantams -- or perhaps for your younger large fowl birds. Put the dose on something like a bit of bread and feed each one individually, or squirt it in the side of their mouth with a syringe (no needle, of course.) It can't be added to their water. Good luck!
Thank you so much for all the good info and the links too... I feel better already!! Gonna give them all a good check for lice & mites first thing in the morning, then make a run to TSC or Co-Op. I hope you are right and it was a coincidence and my dominiques are treatable. Thanks again so much for your reply! :)

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