sick quail?

im also concerend since i tried sharing body heat with her while my dad went out to get a heat lamp but she dosent seem interested in heat
Can you bring her inside into a "hospital" cage? I use plastic tubs with hardware cloth tops. Make sure she's warm. You might try to entice her with some treats, such as mealworms. If you don't have something like Nutri-drench or Save-a-chick around, you probably want to get some. You can put that in her water.

That's about the extent of my first aid knowledge, so I'm going to tag @007Sean who has a lot more experience with illness than I do.
okay ill try to keep her as warm as possible but i dont have any of the nurtidench or save a chck and from all my trips to feed stores i dont think that they have any
Without pics of her and her droppings it's hard to determine what is the problem. It could be numerous things affecting her.
What feed is she on? What % protien is it? Do you keep the waterer clean?
At this point without pics, I'm suspecting IE, Intestinal enteritis?
she is currently on crushed corn mixture with some seeds mixed in.
we dont know what percentage it is because it came pre mixed
yes we clean her waterer every night
her droppings are mostly white and light brown and watery
okay so update on my bird she is still droopy and not eating but she drinks water and weve been trying to keep her warm while my dad returnes from buying a heat lamp
but ive noticed that she starts twitching from time to time
she also layed and egg that was kinda green looking and squishy
she is currently on crushed corn mixture with some seeds mixed in.
we dont know what percentage it is because it came pre mixed
yes we clean her waterer every night
her droppings are mostly white and light brown and watery
That diet is completely inadequate. Gamebirds should be feed a balanced and complete ration of 24% protein.

A somewhat formed fecal portion with an extremely watery urine portion or excessive urate portion may indicate a kidney problem or metabolic problem. A more liquid consistency in the fecal portion of the droppings is suggestive of an intestinal tract infection.

Birds that are fed a ration consisting of seeds alone will result in the feces being watery and could have a yellowish to green color, depending on the species of bird. Although, in quail if the droppings are watery with yellowish urates, then IE should be suspected, along with loss of appetite, lethargic along with a 'ruffled' appearance.

After reading your other posts, I now suspect your bird is slowly starving to death.
Along with her weakened condition, an infection or disease can quite easily take over and overwhelm her immune system.
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That diet is completely inadequate. Gamebirds should be feed a balanced and complete ration of 24% protein.

A somewhat formed fecal portion with an extremely watery urine portion or excessive urate portion may indicate a kidney problem or metabolic problem. A more liquid consistency in the fecal portion of the droppings is suggestive of an intestinal tract infection.

Birds that are fed a ration consisting of seeds alone will result in the feces being watery and could have a yellowish to green color, depending on the species of bird. Although, in quail if the droppings are watery with yellowish urates, then IE should be suspected, along with loss of appetite, lethargic along with a 'ruffled' appearance.

After reading your other posts, I now suspect your bird is slowly starving to death.
Along with her weakened condition, an infection or disease can quite easily take over and overwhelm her immune system.
her dropping are not yellow but they are watery
is there anything i can do to help her feel better again?

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