Sick SLW- 7 months old- nothing is helping

I just finished letting out my birds and putting out feed and fresh water for the
day and now I sit down to check out my morning reports and I see Velma is
still with you that is great news as I never like to hear about the loss of a loved
one but how is see doing is she moving around yet ....
I was looking at your family photo you have up HA Ha Ha ,,,, I have a 17 year
old Grandson who dose the same thing in all the photos he is in .......
Enjoy your day

gander007, I am so thankful she is such a fighter! She is moving around from time to time and eating and drinking on her own from time to time as well. The other times I have to feed/water her by hand. I just spoke with the state vet and I will post up everything that he said in just a moment, but first I must tend to Velma. Be back shortly to give the full report. :)
It"s good to hear Velma is moving around and eating on her own some
what and that you have some time to take care of here when she cant
do it for herself good mommy...... I would like to see what the Vet had
to say about the situation you have there ......

Ok, so here is what Dr. Doss (the state vet) suggested: It could be Necrotic Enteritis as a secondary issue from Cocci. However, it could also be an intestinal worm(s) causing her illness as well. He suggested that I keep with the Penicillin, to treat for NE, for 3-4 more days then give her a 3-4 day rest with vitamin and minerals supplement. What is the best kind? He said any that the farm store carries, but I'm sure there is one that is the BEST. After the 3-4 day rest if she is still not better I am to come back with Amprolium because if the original culprit was indeed Cocci then he would treat with Amprolium over Corid. Also if it is intestinal worms of some sort then he said to use Safeguard for dogs 1 oz/20lbs of feed. Mix with water and apply to feed and treat all of my birds not just Velma. He said to do this tomorrow because the active ingredient will not counteract with the Penicillin. If any of you have used Safeguard as a dewormer please let me know about your experience. Or, if there is something out there that is better (that gets more worms) let me know as well. What are the dosages you give and how do you all administer it to your birds? I would rather go with something topical that way I KNOW she is getting it- via food is not for certain if she is not eating on her own tomorrow or eating from my hand. I will go to the feed store tomorrow and pick it up fyi. Since Arkansas state vet service does not have a full set up of a lab they cannot do a fecal float, however, he suggested that I call around to try and find a vet that would be willing to do one. I have been calling all over the place with either no returned phone calls or simply no's. I don't want them to see her as a "patient" just do the darn float! It's frustrating at this point. He also said with her symptoms being all over the board this is just a start and a shot in the dark. However, the state lab does offer necropsy services for free to the customer. And if she dies he recommended I get one done or they can euthanize her now and do one for safety of my other girls. I will not give up on Velma so the euthanization is out of the question, but as I stated before if she dies naturally I will get one done, for sure. She has fought for this long and I will continue to fight with her. So what do you all think about these suggestions? I am all ears open...
It"s good to hear Velma is moving around and eating on her own some
what and that you have some time to take care of here when she cant
do it for herself good mommy...... I would like to see what the Vet had
to say about the situation you have there ......

I am very fortunate to have the time as well. I am a stay at home mom, also a full time student so school takes up a lot of time, and a full time everything else with the chickens, house work, ect... I just posted up the long report of what Dr. Doss suggested. Feed back is always welcome especially about the wormer and dosages...
The information that i posted on Safeguard is what I use and works great and i believe a lot of members on here use it.

You can use vitamins for chicks from the feed store.
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Per my avian vets and the veterinary literature I have seen, I use Safeguard at 50mg/kg once and repeat in ten days. Other studies I have seen say that 20mgkg three days in a row will get all but capillary worms, for those you need 50mf/kg five days in a row. I'm lazy, so unless I suspect capillary, I use the 50mg/kg once and repeat in ten days.

Safeguard or Panacur, liquid or paste
50mg = .5ml
20mg = .2ml

1ml = 1cc
1kg = 2.2 pounds

If you need help figuring out doses just let me know and I can do it for you.

I ordered several times from Twincitiespoultrysupply and they always sent this 2 page guide to medications, dose, illness, etc. I think the 2 meds that have worked the best for me is sulfadimethoxine, which works for cocci and enteritis. It's got an antibacterial action as well which is good if the enteritis is either cocci or bacterial.

The other med I always have is Penicillin injectable. That covers a wide variety of illnesses.

It certainly is a problem to figure out which antibiotic is going to work.
Warning regarding dosing info from websites. Always double check the dosing from a properly documented source. This is an example of of incorrect info:

They claim one 250mg pill is the treatment for canker or blackhead and I can assure it is not what is recommended by the AAAP and veterinarians.

I haven't looked at their other meds, but this is one that is very wrong, so do your homework and verify doses.

I finally found a vet that that will do a fecal float! HOORAY!!! So off to the vet's office I go with poo in hand. We'll see what the report says. I'll update when I get done. Thank you all for all the information, too! It is very appreciated!
If you can afford the extra $$, have them check for yeast and bacteria microscopically, too. My vet just did that for me and it cost $31 and an additional $25 for the float. Float was negative, but the other showed yeast, for which I got a bottle of ketoconazole - no bacteria present. Please, please, please, have them do a gram stain and check for yeast. If nothing else, have them explain how it could help to treat your bird.

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