Side-effects of too much protein??


10 Years
May 25, 2009
Adelaide, Australia
Hi... as you can see I'm for Australia, which puts me on the other side of the world to most people on this board. We're just heading into winter and one of my chookens has started moulting and stopped laying (Leghorn) but the other 2 are still laying, although ginger is dropping the occasional feather.

To make sure they grow in some nice healthy feathers, and hopefully keep them laying for longer, I've tried to up the protein in their diet. They've had some bits of meat my dog ignored (she was full, wasnt bad meat) as well as a tin of tuna. Also, instead of 100% layer pellets, they're now getting about 25-30% layer, and the rest pullet feed. They still have free choice oyster/egg shell for the two still laying.

I've noticed though, they are so ENERGETIC!! they used to huddle together whnever they went around the backyard, never more than a few metres from each other. Now they stray alot more, runnig (full on wings flapping running) across the yard whenever they see anything interesting, and then sprinting back to each other when they realise they're seperated. They're definatle not spooked by anything, they just have so much energy!!

End point, I like my energetic chickens, although it seems strange.. I've never seen them like this. Just wanted to check they were a-okay, and if I can over-protein them. I assume its the uppage of protein (and meat) that is giving them their piles of energy.
They'll be fine.

And when the feathers come back in, they'll be beautiful and the eggs will be so much better.

I give a tin of fish to mine every week to add Omega IIIs to the eggs which makes them healthier for us!

Autumn is my favorite time of year...

And it's coming on HOT, HOT summer here.
For adults it's fine. Their bodies will take what they can use of the proteins and pass the rest in their manure. Protein does provide more energy for muscles. And it's also good for the brain, especially fish protein. You're seeing the effects of that in their activity and alertness.

A side note - this is also why weight loss programs for we humans use higher protein foods and cut out carbs and sugar. The protein improves energy levels, helps keep hunger at bay, and feeds the brain. Carbs and sugar make us legarthic and fuel hunger with their empty calories. It make sense that chickens respond similarly to the same foods - both we and they are omnivores.

Many growers do not like to up protein too high for chicks. They believe it can cause more rapid growth which can be hard on their developing organs.
or maybe they're like me~~when the weather starts to cool, I am re-energized..
It sound to me that your Protein level is fine, but not knowing the amount of protein of the layer and pullet feed you are using over there it would be hard to say for sure.
What it sounds like to me is that they might be just getting a little lazy. What you could do is give some scratch grain at night (about a hour before they go to roost). The scratch grain will act as a form of energy..

Proteins is essential to the structure of red blood cells, for the proper functioning of antibodies resisting infection, for the regulation of enzymes and hormones, for growth, and for the repair of body tissue. Protein can be naturally produced in the body from processing Amino Acids, but can be supplemented as raw protein also.

Carbohydrates are a major source of energy and there are two types of Carbohydrates, Simple carbohydrates and Complex carbohydrates.

Simple carbohydrates:
These are also called simple sugars. Simple sugars are found in refined sugars, like the white sugar you'd find in a sugar bowl. But you'll also find simple sugars in more nutritious foods, such as fruit and milk. It's better to get your simple sugars from food like fruit and milk.

Complex carbohydrates:
These are also called starches. Starches include grain products, such as bread, crackers, pasta, and rice. As with simple sugars, some complex carbohydrate foods are better choices than others. Refined grains, such as white flour and white rice, have been processed, which removes nutrients and fiber. But unrefined grains still contain these vitamins and minerals. Unrefined grains also are rich in fiber, which helps your digestive system work well. Fiber helps you feel full, so you are less likely to overeat these foods. That explains why a bowl of oatmeal fills you up better than sugary candy that has the same amount of calories as the oatmeal.

This year the weather seems alot warmer than it has in years past.
They may still be getting over the 42 -43 degree days we have had, I know im still gettin over them lol
South Oz had the heat waves as well.
My chooks here are also going though a moult.
The moults are pretty heavy on the chooks.
When their feathers are finally spiked though they seem happier or else mine do
I give my chooks can tuna in springwater and scrap meat from dinner
Wholewheat spag mixed with porridge and yohgurt goes down well all year roll
good luck
I have heard that tuna, sardines and the like available in cans can contain more salt than is good for chickens. Is this a concern for those of you who feed this?

I feed them some grass-fed ground beef for extra protein as well as every weird or soft egg that they lay. I kind of think it's better than salty cat food or canned fish or canned meat in general.

I also feed Flock Raiser which has 20% protein to begin with, so I think they've got a good base for protein food.

I'm worried I fed too much protein to my chicks and older crowd too. Just found this thread and it seems like no one has had any bad physical reactions to excess protein. I thought about meat, but we buy grass fed organic meat that would be good for the chickens and terrible for my wallet! Boiled eggs ended up being my protein of choice. I boiled and mashed them beyond recognition and added feed to it. I'm pretty sure they may actually have fowl pox and it's just a coincidence that I gave them eggs a few days ago. We'll see as time goes by. If any one has any experience with this please let me know.

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