*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Jd, 'often' is the key word in that statement.
this song Lyric is in my head

Baby you light up my world like nobody else

The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed

But you when smile at the ground it aint hard to tell

You don't know

You don't know you're beautiful
That song is so annoyingly catchy. They played it at prom and it was in my head for THREE DAYS.

To the praying folks... I have a friend who really should wear her bucket more often.
Prayers for her would be appreciated. She seems to be letting her abusive ex try to come crawling back out of the pond scum, right as her current significant other is moving four hours away. This does not bode well.

ANYWAY. What's up, folks?
That song is so annoyingly catchy. They played it at prom and it was in my head for THREE DAYS.

To the praying folks... I have a friend who really should wear her bucket more often.
Prayers for her would be appreciated. She seems to be letting her abusive ex try to come crawling back out of the pond scum, right as her current significant other is moving four hours away. This does not bode well.

ANYWAY. What's up, folks?

Haha i love it!!! and i will pray my room to much purple
Have you explained to Digit that this is the easy part of life? Babies just don't know how good they have it, do they.
Some do. DD was a happy baby. Every picture we have of her as a baby, she was smiling. We do have a little piece of videotape of her as a toddler getting a little fussy, but that's only because the camera wasn't aimed at her at the moment.

Her brother was quite a different story.

I'm curious about Tani's delirium, too.
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It's because I'm finally over the Captain. He picked the girl who would go farther with him than I would (according to his sister, they're playing an awful lot of tonsil hockey
) and well, he's happy with her, and I'm happy to be a faaaaaaabulous single gal. Emphasis on the fabulous, have you seen my wardrobe lately? And then, after months of giving the same advice to others, it finally got into my head that I don't need a guy in order to feel validated or worthwhile. That can only come from me.

So I'm feeling happy because I've had my "aha!" moment.
It's because I'm finally over the Captain. He picked the girl who would go farther with him than I would (according to his sister, they're playing an awful lot of tonsil hockey
) and well, he's happy with her, and I'm happy to be a faaaaaaabulous single gal. Emphasis on the fabulous, have you seen my wardrobe lately? And then, after months of giving the same advice to others, it finally got into my head that I don't need a guy in order to feel validated or worthwhile. That can only come from me.

So I'm feeling happy because I've had my "aha!" moment.

I got my hair cut yesterday just ends trimmed and thinned it out Teehee

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