*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

They couldn't possibly be worse than Harvey POOF!
Let me see, there's March Hare, Roger Rabbit, and Harold Hare. Then there's her Cajun cousin, Beudrueax Bunny. When's the last time you've heard of a rabbit having a gator for a pet?
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Yeah, March and Harry are known as the "wild hares", at least when they are in rabbit form.

And Cousin Boudreaux? Why he keeps that gator is beyond me, but trust me, you don't mess with any of those swamp rabbits!
On trips South my beagles have taken on those swampers - beagles won. "Just sayin'".


The gator -- that's another story.
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The gator? Oh you mean big Louie! Over 17 feet long, and was saddle broken too!
Yeah, but the saddle is just for show. It isn't like Big Louie ever carries him anywhere. If Boudreaux wants to go somewhere, he turns into a big black horse, and boy, can he take you for a ride! Gotta hand it to Boudreaux, he sure knows how to show a gal a good time - if she's brave enough!
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