*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

[COLOR=008000]The gator? Oh you mean big Louie! Over 17 feet long, and was saddle broken too![/COLOR]

Yeah, but the saddle is just for show. It isn't like Big Louie ever carries him anywhere. If Boudreaux wants to go somewhere, he turns into a big black horse, and boy, can he take you for a ride! Gotta hand it to Boudreaux, he sure knows how to show a gal a good time - if she's brave enough! 

As a gal, I must admit I'd rather ride the alligator.
I'm sure that could be arranged.
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Hey, I survived the labyrinth - there are pretty stalagtites and stalagmites, luminescent flashing creatures - it can be fun. All are invited to a picnic.
I wonder how long it's been since Boudreaux last fed Big Louie? He feeds that thing really well (it sure wasn't 17 feet long when he got it!) and its list of favorite foods gets longer by the day.
Sour....what's with you wanting to take people on tours of the labyrinth? First you want to throw us in the moat, now you want to put us somewhere we will get lost and surely never find our way out of.....I'm beginning to wonder bout you!

goin back to my hidey hole.....gotta take care of the mini doodle...she caught the crud now...Poor baby..
But labyrinths are fuuuuuuuuuuun! Especially ones with minotaurs.
Y'know, of all the things they've done, I don't think I've ever seen a Pooka appear as a Minotaur. Some of the boys have tried their hands at being cattle before, and let me tell you, when they did, that was a whole lotta bull! Being boys, they had to start horseplaying, and we wound up putting our collective feet down and made them take it topside. We were afraid they were going to collapse the tunnels!

Sorry to hear about the little one, doodle. It's so rotten when our kids are sick!
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Did not see a minotaur on my recent adventure, but would surely enjoy eenie or Tani's help in searching for one.
1d3, you and minidoodle (hopefully feelng better) can help in the search.

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