*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

TOO MANY minis for me!

Oh, they are cute little buggers, no two ways about that. Somewhere around here I have pictures of Syd, the Man-eating Mini, when she was just a few days old. She was about the size of a Labrador.

But the last thing I need around here is more mouths to feed, and more vet bills to pay!
Is THIS an "Angel-Bunny" ?

Well, that can't be me. Firstly, unlike Inego Montoya and Westley, I am left handed. And secondly, I can't throw a baseball for the life of me (though I am pretty handy with a slingshot!) Third, and most obvious (I would think) is that Bugs is a guy.
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Oh, poor Bunny...left-handed. I'm so sorry.

*True Story*

My own dear wife is left-handed...and like most left handed
women, even something as simple as kissing a Spook is hard
on her.

Left handed people tilt their head the wrong way.

A few whacks up side her head with the trusty bucket...proving
that after you get their attention, even a lefty can be trained.


Husbands, please do not whop your wife with a bucket claiming
Spook said to.

It's too hard to get the dents outta a good bucket.

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