*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Something wrong - with us? So she thinks that going on a chicken forum, and talking about girls wearing buckets and throwing sparklies into the moat and keeping a weather eye out for a big deranged rabbit isn't "normal?"

Can't imagine why she wouldn't want to come here and tell a Queen, a Spook, a Bunny, a sub, an unmoated Sparkly Cat/Hulk/Ogre and assorted bucketheads what the real story is with the magician that casts spells on chickens.
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I agree bunny, I do not understand half the people in my life, but the people here on the forum I actually can understand!

I don't understand why my friends would color their hair with sharpies, but I do speak the language of the silly and the verbally clever.
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Well, ladies. indeed "Birds of a feather flock together". Isn't it grand that we have found one another. Baby
2000 I hope you realize how lucky you are. I had no such role models as a kid.

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