*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Oh my gosh - clicked on the 'Beach Police' video - obscenely hysterical. Ya gotta love the expressions on all of the faces.
Anybody remember that Christmas parade fiasco of a couple of years ago? Apparently, I don't learn - it seems that I've signed us up for not one, but three Christmas parades this time. Baby
and I have set up an obstacle course for the minis; we're looking for more ideas of things for them to learn not to freak out about.

As soon as I finish repairing their lighted blankets, I hope to start taking them for walks through the neighborhood at night. We'll have to see if the weather cooperates. The temperatures have been all over the place. Tonight's temps are in the 60's, but it's also raining. It's welcome purrcipitation; Baby
is a bit ticked that it isn't the more solid kind. Two nights ago, we were in the low 20's; we'll be back near freezing again before long. I can wait, believe me, I'd rather purr than brrrr!
Now that was funny! Thank goodness that I never got stopped by the dancing cops 'back in the day'. I would have failed for sure.
From the catacombs to the dungeons to the moats to the banquet halls to the royal chambers, Happy Thanksgiving to all. Eat much, laugh much, love much, and don't forget to come to the moat banquet on Friday.
Just popping in in between preparing dishes to say happy Thanksgiving to all my favorite fellow inmates in the loony bin.
I talked to Tani yesterday and she put my pie plans to SHAME, so I vote she brings the pie to the banquet. (Apple, pumpkin, lemon meringue, pecan, cherry, blueberry, banana cream, marshmallow pumpkin, chocolate chiffon, maple pecan... If I didn't love her so much I'd hate her. She asked me what I was making and I could only barely stammer out, "Uhhhh, pumpkin, apple, and pecan.")

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