*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

thanks for the update em...

for all the bad luck
Thanks everyone. It will get better. Tomorrow I'm taking the day off to take the kids to the Christmas Tree Farm. It's our first Christmas with Connor, so gonna make it a special one.
Now, that's a way to make some good memories! I can still remember going to a tree lot on the base in Gelnhausen when my dad was in the Army,and trekking through a snowy farmer's field to pick out a tree a few years later in Cape Vincent. Hope y'all have a great time!
To be completely honest...I'm deep in the down part of I just want to sit down and cry. I'm really, really tired.
I have been going thru a lot lately too. and Em I am sure someone (or perhaps many people) where caught off guard when this song came over the musac at work and they heard my manly voice singing in falceto with Dolly on the corhus at work

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