*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Bunny lady many people have hears the phrase you don't buy beer you rent it. the same applies for spirit of happiness, a few minutes after consumption you no longer are the owner of it.....
Oldroo, I still say you got happiness all wrong. Now, I think Bernie Meltzer has it right: "Happiness is like a kiss. You must share it to enjoy it."
bah humbug all you happy folk
bah humbug all you happy folk
Happy? Who's happy? I'm clinging to reason by my fingernails, here (and they get awfully dry and brittle at this time of year)

With the cooler weather, the horses get kinda bouncy. The problem is that I don't have a whole lot of space for them to bounce in (most of my place is a jungle), and it has hazards. A week or so ago, I noticed that Latte was lame. The only thing I could find wrong was that part of the frog on her foot was damaged. The previous owner of this property had a gun club that used it as a firing range; I have removed tons of glass over the years.The horses have been in that paddock for several months without injury, and I remove glass on an almost daily basis, but apparently Latte managed to step on a piece with enough force to do damage that time. Well, Latte's foot is now better, but yesterday I noticed that Sunny was limping. Same thing - a couple of cuts on the frog of one foot.

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