*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

It's weird... That's what I like about this thread... Like improv. But text...
You're quite right, hen. We never know where the thread is going, 'til it goes past there; that's half of the fun. And though there are plenty of RP's in GJF; this is, well, somehow different. As for why we do it, well, yes, we do entertain ourselves, but there is a deeper purpose, too. Some of the folks who have participated in this thread have been carrying some pretty heavy burdens (one that I know of was battling a terminal illness that ultimately claimed his life). Getting to be light hearted and light headed and just step out of themselves, even if only for a moment, is of incalculable value to them. And not everyone who enjoys it participates. I know of a member whose name I often saw as viewing this thread, though she never posted on it. She died about a year ago, and one of her children took over her account while the family worked on dispersing her flock. They said she was forever laughing and relating what this one had said, or that one had done . . . . Knowing that our clowning has served to lighten someone's day? That's golden!
Well said

As quoted from Dr Seuss by Queen Em
"I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells."

My brain cells need all the help that they can garner.
Too true Sour! Folks, I miss the gentleman that Bunny speaks of......he was my friend and a mentor. The insanity of this thread has kept me sane.......especially while I was recouperating from work related injuries. That was three long months for a workaholic to be sidelined. Thanks guys for the unending nuttiness.:hugs
My 'dog' traveling partner the Circus Man a WW II vet has Parkinson's. The coffee splattered interior of my truck is proof that "too much shaking is bad".

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