*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Al - there are situations worse than that.
Hopefully he's just shaking it. Have you ever seen anyone drink hot coffee through a straw?
I only travel with him so that I can look better by comparison.
He is the epitome of 'crotchety old dude'. His wife once thanked me for being nice to her husband. When I said that I liked him she said. "There's something wrong with you then." We do not discuss religion, politics or racial issues. He got really offended one day when I told him that he was a bigot.
She died 3 + years ago and it was touch and go with him for a long time. Right now in spite of diabetes, congestive heart failure and GOODNESS only knows what else he is doing well - knock on wood.

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