*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)


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An octopuss? Just how many arms do you think he has??

I think Alaskan just wants to see Harvey covered in green glitter. That's what always happens to me when I get near JD, anyway.

I think Harvey wants to see Harvey covered in green glitter, too. That's what the Karo syrup is for - to make it stick.
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So who's fault is it if we don't get snow? We need it?

Wait..I know..it's Alaskans fault..again.

You know you're loved when you get blamed for everything.
Well, 'Al' expressed interest in seeing JD naked. If 'Al' were male, I think that would make JD somewhat uncomfortable. 'Al's' gender is not 100 % defined, but for me the indicators show that most likely --------------------------------------------
Al just happens to love getting into trouble....

and anyway.... what is wrong with a little exposure????

Alaskan is not all that excited about the green glitter.....

except maybe we could pretend the green glitter is actually grass...... and green grass is a sign of toasty warm spring....

WHAT TO DO!!!!!!!

AH! I got it, Alaskan will simply become two people... one Alaskan will love glitter, and the other Alaskan will dislike glitter

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