*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Well, it's pretty much like training a normal dog except you get a lot of attention from the public. I was diagnosed with C-PTSD about a two years ago, and when I was first diagnosed I looked into being paired with a service dog to mitigate my symptoms. But it turns out that there are about three programs in the entirety of the USA that trains and places PTSD dogs with those who suffer from non-combat PTSD, meaning, if you're not a veteran, you don't get a dog. At that point I decided to owner train a service dog, and from there I realized I'm good at and love training dogs. I currently have a retired service dog named Azkaban, and a puppy in training named Rayner. I hope to branch out to training and placing dogs with children and teenagers who, due to the nature of their disabilities, aren't eligible for a dog from Canine Companions for Independence or any of the other big foundations. It's hours and hours of work but it pays off, big time, when you can actually buy groceries or go to dinner like a normal human being.  

That is very cool. I am glad you've found your calling!
Normal is scary

And exists only in the minds of those giving themselves that label.
That is very cool. I am glad you've found your calling!

More than cool!

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