*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

You're probably there - belated good luck.
Hey, Orps, dump the moody - it is no fun. Others think that you are a pain, and you don't have any fun while 'moody'. How do I know? Just call me the king of moody. When the attitude threatens, I just get outside and do something physical/positive. It was a hard lesson to learn, but I have finally concluded that living 'inside' your brain is not a good thing. 'Stinkin' thinkin' is a self defeating process.

Sourland who chooses to be smiling and happy. (Most of the time.
You should get in trouble for a stunt like that!

Anger is a choice. It's what is called a secondary emotion, meaning that it is a reaction to another feeling, usually pain or frustration. You can be frustrated without being angry (a lot of children cry when frustrated). Using anger as a weapon against another person is a form of bullying - not an attractive way to behave! And to stay angry is also a choice - another name for that is "sulking."

You may call it being "moody," but let's be honest about this, shall we? You got mad at your sister, acted out inappropriately, and got yourself in trouble. Now you are still being angry because you got called on your bad behavior. Sorry, gal, but this is childish - not "womanish." Own it, and get over it.

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