*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Well, Neighbor Richard showed up before dawn and plowed the driveway. I just finished the porch, deck, sidewalks and 'finishing touches' on the driveway. Vehicles are cleaned of snow and ice and ready to go. My body was saying, "You can't do this, boy.", but my ego said, "Oh yes I can." Took Aleve as a pre emptive pain control, but I know tht my back will torture me tonight. Ah, yes, the 'Golden Years'. Once in a moment of pique Mom said, "I'd like to find whoever coined the phrase, 'The Golden Years', and kick the crap out of him." Why was she so certain that it was a man?
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. "A little at a time"? That's impossible given my compulsive personality. I know, of course, that you have never noticed such tendencies on my part, but yep, that would be me. I am good at not doing things, but when I 'do' things it's full throttle ahead and no holds barred. The Princess suffers from the same malady as does our daughter. Our son is a type Z if there is such a laid back category.
Sour, the fella I used to work for at the barn was that sort - he couldn't pace himself for anything. Landed himself in the hospital that way a couple of times . . . .
Ya know, I am aware of the potential for total body fail, but I do listen to my body. Other than joint and back twinges nothing else 'appears' to be breaking down. I have noticed lately that I find myself slightly short of breath if I hustle too much. Maybe it was always that way, and I am just noticing it more. As I was shoveling and clearing I said to myself, "I am really glad that I can still do this." I don't look forward to the day when others might have to 'do' for me. Not a good thought.
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