*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, Tani!! :celebrate How do they choose? Are you the lucky winner, or was your awesomeness universally recognized?


I got a letter with the application, and, if my answers on said application are satisfactory, I shall be a Tani universally acknowledged! (Ha! I put an Austen reference in again!)
[COLOR=008000]Alright Tani! Now you get to share your amazing wealth of wisdom, which is far beyond your years I might add. [/COLOR]

I've always thought I was a 70-year-old trapped in a 16-year-old body... Except most of my body feels about 70 years old anyway, so... Yeah. Maybe I qualify for an elder-ship now. :p
I just saw her yesterday, though she didn't speak.

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