*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Or perhaps, a troubled woman?

Gotta share. We are making Hungarian cookies today. That's a pre-Christmas task. Youngest grand son's school is having 'Heritage Day' tomorrow - where kids research and present information about one part of their ethnic background. Rob picked Hungarian, and the Princess is his exhibit.
We are making the cookies, our daughter is making blintzes, and the Princess will be giving Chardas lessons.
I can't wait. Poor Rob, what has he gotten himself into? Give that woman a stage and Lord only knows what may happen. We are leaving the Gypsy caravan wagon and tambourines at home.
No 'Heritage Day' for Rob.
He woke up this morning with a case of the
. I feel bad for him and for me too. I was so counting on watching the Princess do her 'sidewalk act'. But on the positive side - I get to eat the Hungarian cookies.
1. Acting like a child is second nature to me.
2. My skin has become much too hard over the years to take offense to anything. But watch out...my Corvid quiet stealth like movements and I can sneak right up on you and poke right back.
3. Ah snow....What is another word for hate. How about loath. Complete and utter loathness for it. When I was knee high to a Ravens wing, my father used to tell me that when the snow started falling it made him feel sick. Nauseated.
Alaskan is now madly in love with you. Alaskan is even willing to share the most marvelous of all things, duct tape with you!
Ok...so I now know what that feels like. HEAT....now there is a nice word. Not that humid heat, but that sizzling dry heat. Desert heat!!
Yet again, you say words of marvelousness..... These words are so lovely that Alaskan will share moose meat with you! AND, you may choose if you would like moose meat from an airplane, moose meat from the road kill list, or moose meat from hunting season! :D. Ah! The choices!
Alaskan, I don't know how you do it up there. The 8 months of winter, snow that nearly never melts, the frigid temps (a few years ago we saw 3 days of -30 degrees and I nearly froze to death)...the low or no light for months on end....it would have killed me by now. Even my lack of a mind, the one I lost many decades ago,
Ah, not to worry, Alaskan is of such a little brain, that Alaskan even snuggled with a candiru! :( Alaskan was told that the candiru loved heat....and so Alaskan SNUGGLED it! Alaskan......who no longer snuggles Candiru, and who now lives in a land of PERPETUAL WARMTH AND SUN. La la la la la la la la tra la la tra la lee. La lo
Alaskan, I would be honored to share your moose meat with you! I have never tasted moose meat, although have always wanted to try it. Now for my choices or origin....hmmm....Well, being of the Corvid persuasion, I would have to say "Road Kill Moose" please? Nothing better than disembowled carcass! However get there before the other Ravens and Eagles get to the brains and other delectable parts!.

As for the Candiru....you really DO need someone or something to snuggle up to...I agree with Sour here, I think you have been keeping your brain on ice far to long.

Now....tell me more about the duct tape...
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Duct tape is the force that keeps the universe together. Duct tape is better than cookies!

And not to worry, road kill moose, with the gooey eyes and other bits, are headed right at you! ;)


BAD BAD SOUR! Stop maligning my warmth and light! BAD! May a moose fall from the sky and onto your head! :p so there!

Mr MKK (what was it again, mike?),

There is madness, but the threat of an insane rampage has diminished since Alaskan has found COFFEE.
Alaskan...Ok...now I see...Duct tape holds the universe together...Like peanut butter and jelly...cookies and cream...ice cream and fudge...chocolate and peanut butter, steak and potatoes...(you can see where my mind it at here, LOL) but without these things, the entire universe would implode on itself. String theory would tangle in itself, mass would no longer hold it's shape, and gravity would simply lighten up..and DUCT TAPE holds it all together!

Alaskan knew it started with M, and wasn't Mathew.

At least I didn't guess.....


Alaskan...... who had to dig ditches at midnight last night, it was so lovely

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