*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

I guess it wouldn't be too good if the job only needed doing once. A lot of welders would be out of work. For some men (women, too,) welding is their life. I mean, it's all they want to do, all they think about. They wouldn't be happy if they had to choose another path. They wouldn't be happy doing anything else. For their sake, I am glad that there are plenty of people who need welding done.......on a regular basis. If there were no welding jobs to be had, there would be a bunch of frustrated welders. They would likely get up to no good, welding on the sly, welding when it wasn't necessary, maybe even welding by force! It would be pandemonium!!
Mouth weld!
Maybe I already posted this once..but since we are talking about FROGS........

I'm like the guy at the end..I never knew that they did this, I had never heard this before..and I lived in Florida!

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