*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Invite those women and their goody girls to a picnic at the moat - that will change their minds (if they survive). We in the northeast tip of the kingdom may be quiet, but we will not have our queen questioned! Feed them to the denizens!
Yes, yes it's a long time since I threw a good moat party/feeding frenzy.
I don't think they are the problem, so much as *I* am the problem. Most of these women do not work, and have maybe one child. I run the store, have the three kids, home school one, Lillian is in private school and I volunteer quite a bit there, We do live animal shows, and of course that doesn't even cover the ranch. So while they are talking about how they made chocolate lava cake for dessert last night, I'm going "Hmm, my kids had ice cream." If they do work, it's office/clerical work...I clean up poop and getting bitten by something is a very real possibility everyday. I have one friend who is there, and she's more like me. Other than that, nope. All very perky, overly happy, and scouts is their life....Scouts is not my life.

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