*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Like this ?

Or more like this ?
Krispy Kremes? You know you've got to share...we're buddys.

(and there's always hot air where ever Alaskan is. Never at a loss
for words)
I think we've got that in all families. People who stay together just
to torture each other.

My wife and I talked about divorce once. We both agreed each one
should get 50%. Half of our stuff is old and broken. That's the half
I thought she she have. She didn't want that half. So we stayed

"Old and broken?" Add "fat and bald" and it sounds like your spouse's "better half" - I reckon she figgered she already had that.

But Spring in Alaska is when the temps get warm enough the mosquitoes thaw out enough to fly, instead of instantly crashing to the ground as skeetercicles.

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