*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

E bay shopping...

Ice maker water inlet valve decided to leak.

$67.00 in town, $15.10 online.

Let me think about that...

I can do without ice for about three days of shipping for $50.00
Shame on you Bunny !!!

My wife was NOT "fat and bald"

And I hope you're not calling me fat and bald...?

'member, I got that Chia-Hair going on.
Oh, no Spook. I would never say such things about Mrs. Spook.

Though I am aware that your head is now fluffier than a baby bunny's bottom, I don't believe that has been growing on for long. As for your girth, well, you're the one in the king-sized sheet. I just know I'd get lost in one that size.
"Old and broken?" Add "fat and bald" and it sounds like your spouse's "better half" - I reckon she figgered she already had that.:plbb

But Spring in Alaska is when the temps get warm enough the mosquitoes thaw out enough to fly, instead of instantly crashing to the ground as skeetercicles.



The :bun lady is right with that one.
Well, my fellow Kingdomites, my life is about to change. My Dad, whom I have been caring for for some time now, has passed away. I filled out retirement papers yesterday. I am about to be a lady of leisure.

Anyone want to rub my feet?

Is it holloween? "trick or treat smell (or rub) my feet give me something good to eat....... Sorry for you loss Wisher, hopefully life gets easier for you.

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