*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

You do not have to specify exactly why you are sorry. Just say you are sorry. She won't know you are only sorry she heard you.

I was in the car with my 18 y/o DD the other morning. A hawk almost crashed into the windshield. I knew an inappropriate word was going to come out of my mouth but I couldn't stop it. I tried a last minute censor. Bad idea! The censored version came out with several words that I would never use, in a sentence that was nothing short of appalling (albeit quite creative).

Yes, you understand! That's absolutely how it happened! A rational mind could not have have crafted that word it was an instinctive reaction just like yours. There should be special dispensation for 'instinctive reaction' swear words. I can't say that I am sorry - she is a mind reader and would know that I am lying. She hates that more than swearing. I am doomed.

I've got it! Pick a relative (on her side of the family) that you like the least. Now tell her you learne.......... oh wait......she is a mind reader.....I forgot......yeah you are pretty much doomed.
Spook is good? Good at being bad...

Now I on the other hand...I would never say such a thing as you did George. Tsk Tsk...you should be ashamed.
Em I'm shocked by your comment!!!

You have no knowledge of the Spook ever being bad.

I didn't drop no whole jar of cherries.

Which is a good thing, 'cause then I'd be eating off the floor.
Hate to waste them I would.

Five-second rule, George...

Spook...who counts real slow sometimes.
Go - enjoy yourself - WEAR YOUR BUCKET.

Have a nice time - remember the distance ruling.


Wait, bucket?
Hmmm. I'll have to go with a head scarf instead, otherwise I won't be able to see my sheet music when we go caroling.
Distance ruling is 10' minimum, right?
It's Christmas. We're good and kind Elders.

But beware of boys offering Hubba-Bubba jewerly, and
don't be listening to any boy who needs help in chasing
their chicken.

We'll be waiting up for you.

Uncle Spook

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