*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

well you can call me drama.

Hi, Drama.
We may have to make that your new nickname.
she ripped my shirt before and she did not get into trouble

Orps, hun, are you going to go through your whole life playing, "he hit me back first?" If your sister damaged your stuff deliberately, then we both know it was wrong for her to do it. If your parents missed that one, well, it happens. Life's unfair like that. But, as Emily Post says, another person's bad behavior never justifies you behaving badly.

Life is unfair. A lot of the time, it sucks, and that's true for all of us. We all get hurt, we all get frustrated; a lot of us react with anger. Psychologists will tell you that depression is pain/anger turned inward. Comedians will tell you that comedy is pain turned outward. Personally, I would much rather laugh than cry. Laughing at life's absurdities robs them of their power to break me down, and lets me save my strength for what really matters. If you look behind the words, most jokes are really talking about pain. The closer to the nerve it strikes, the harder we laugh. I could come on here, and whine and moan, and make everybody sick of the sight of me. Or I can take my pain, turn it inside out, and offer you a chance to laugh at it with me.

Some pain is too deep and real to laugh at, and I respect that; because I really do care about other people's feelings. The rest of it? Pfft! Doesn't matter! Laugh at it and walk away - you'll be a happier person for it (and it really bugs 'em when they realize they can't get to you!)
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Orps, hun, are you going to go through your whole life playing, "he hit me back first?" If your sister damaged your stuff deliberately, then we both know it was wrong for her to do it. If your parents missed that one, well, it happens. Life's unfair like that. But, as Emily Post says, another person's bad behavior never justifies you behaving badly.

Life is unfair. A lot of the time, it sucks, and that's true for all of us. We all get hurt, we all get frustrated; a lot of us react with anger. Psychologists will tell you that depression is pain/anger turned inward. Comedians will tell you that comedy is pain turned outward. Personally, I would much rather laugh than cry. Laughing at life's absurdities robs them of their power to break me down, and lets me save my strength for what really matters. If you look behind the words, most jokes are really talking about pain. The closer to the nerve it strikes, the harder we laugh. I could come on here, and whine and moan, and make everybody sick of the sight of me. Or I can take my pain, turn it inside out, and offer you a chance to laugh at it with me.

Some pain is too deep and real to laugh at, and I respect that; because I really do care about other people's feelings. The rest of it? Pfft! Doesn't matter! Laugh at it and walk away - you'll be a happier person for it (and it really bugs 'em when they realize they can't get to you!)


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