*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Tani has gone silent since we all offered to 'help'.

Eenie, do you have information as to the location of this pizza place? Only trying to 'help'.
I doubt that Tani has told the young sparkly about the dating application or even about her cyber aunts and uncles, The Council of Elders.
I can't imagine why not.

I mean, everyone knows that when the children reach a certain age, a parent's primary responsibility becomes embarrassing their kids. If anything, Tani suffers from an embarrassment of riches in this respect. Not only does she have parents to be embarrassed by, she has an assortment of elders/geezers that would be more than happy to fulfill that parental duty for her!

But the Queen's point is a good one. Tani has yet to present this sparkly for a grilling - I mean, interview. Perhaps, if he is having trouble with the application, he could just come to the court and we could go over it line by line with him?
I can't imagine why not.

I mean, everyone knows that when the children reach a certain age, a parent's primary responsibility becomes embarrassing their kids. If anything, Tani suffers from an embarrassment of riches in this respect. Not only does she have parents to be embarrassed by, she has an assortment of elders/geezers that would be more than happy to fulfill that parental duty for her!

But the Queen's point is a good one. Tani has yet to present this sparkly for a grilling - I mean, interview. Perhaps, if he is having trouble with the application, he could just come to the court and we could go over it line by line with him?

Umm..........maybe he's illiterate ?

( the "Application" does require more than just "checkmarks". )

THE (Royal) Curmudgeon
Well, sad sad news on the date front- it was set for next Thursday, but that's the day that I am prepping for my Sweet 16 Party the next day. Grrr. And here I was, all excited.

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