Sight Sexing Barred Plymouth Rock Chicks at Hatch

girl on account of the dark legs, really dark feathers and the spot on the head is all in one place. around 1-2 weeks it looks like to me. :)
Can someone help me out on these chicks sexs they were purchased at a farm store was told they were pullets





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Can someone help us with this chick :) Legs have me thinking pullet but spot is confusing :) hatched yesterday
I have no clue, but mine all had very dark legs and as it looks on the post above you, they all turned out as pullets.

If you would have guessed from the spots on the heads, 2 of them should have become cockerels. Mine are 4 month old and I am still unsure lol
Can someone help me out on these chicks sexs they were purchased at a farm store was told they were pullets
If you read and read, you will find the information their wing and look how they are barred. thick black and little white are girls ...thick white little black the boys.
sorry, can't be better help, as I am struggle to sex my 4 month old ones, where I think for sure all are pullets
After reading more and more and looking them over now they definitely have more black to their wings than white bars for now so I'm hoping pullets but I guess only time will tell
After reading more and more and looking them over now they definitely have more black to their wings than white bars for now so I'm hoping pullets but I guess only time will tell

sorry mate, that I am not a better help, as you can see my chicks in the posts above you. I still try to google from time to time and compare as people FB Groups and Forums are still not the same opinion of the outcome. time will give you an egg or a crow ..hopefully more eggs
Looking for help on this chick. I had purchased all pullets but this one is much larger than all of the others. The white on the head has black throughout which made me think male but the legs are very dark.



OK, have a look here. everyone said, its a boy ..I was sure, its a boy, it still has a male name ... Now, they are 5 month old

yes, thats the same chicken than above :) ...I assure you, its a girl
Seems, you cannot go with the dots on the head all the time? But what they had, always also very black toes

Sorry, I cannot help in a better way. I am first time chicken mum, and really bad in sexing chickens. I was in doubt for a very long time.

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