Sign Petition to stop GMO Alfalfa from entering circulation

Whole Foods was a "foodie" store, snooty cheeses and such. Recently they've begun to lean Organic, no choice really since the economy tank and splurges like 18.99/lb cheese went the way of the dodo... but it's hasn't been long enough IMO for them to be considered The Organic anything. And I second the Mrs O thing. If she truly gave a fig she'd be using the tools (IE departments of the government) to help, not hinder, clean healthful food for the masses. But I can't knock her talking to Wally, they're HUGE and thus getting them on board even on one tiny thing can make a huge difference... not only in exposure to customers but also because other shops may very well follow.
I agree whole heartedly...I now feed my mules alfalfa 2 times a day. If it goes GMO I will stop feeding them that. Gmo has been proven bad for us but I'm feeding my chickens a little bit of corn now. GMO is in just about everything we eat. I'm trying to go completely self sustaining but that is hard to do also. BTW, I did sign the petition, not that it will helps us any. Most of the federal govt. is doing all it can to make us all slaves to them. I'd better stop before I'm arrested.
This is horrible! We need to be in the streets! Rioting! Marching on the steps of our local governmental establishments! Striking! Stop selling to the machine, and sell to the people.

The is serious business and were just chatting about it in a forum. Let's get active! Any body livin in central texas lets get together to inform the public!

Everybody needs to know about this. Tell everyone you know!
What you'll really need to do is change from the bottom. You'll have not not buy products that contain GMO stuff. And then you'll have to find a way to get people who cannot afford to eat expensive organic non gmo foods to find and spend money to buy those things to eat as to not support the system.
Pretty sure it has been pushed through despite 250,000 sigantures against.

I've been campaigning against this for awhile and it seems to have fallen on mostly deaf ears. Majority of people don't care or understand the consquences.

As one person put it. The people of the World that are against our natural food being altered should put "X" amount of money into a pot to hire Lawyers and sue Monsanto for harming our food source.
But try and find a Lawyer who will fight them throughout the long haul.
I have been trying to over turn this as well for a couple of months, stopping it from reaching any kind of agreement. Of course, they've been turning it down for years! I don't know what made them change their minds ($$$)?! I don't know what kind of offers were made previously ($$$)? Or what the final ideals were that allowed this to happen ($$$$$$)?!

Anyways, it can still be over turned and stopped... just because it was ok'd, they can't just sell it tomorrow. They have to inspect, and stamp regulation... they couldn't possibly speed this along ($$$$$$$)!?

Ok... we're all screwed!!!!
2 months ago before this happened, the USDA has decided that labeling food with GMO was not important! And they even added it was not needed for companies to label a product 'GMO free'. They have passed it where products labeled 'GMO Free' will have to STOP! I think they have 6 months to change the packaging. So honestly, you have no way of knowing or not knowing soon.

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