Sign Petition to stop GMO Alfalfa from entering circulation

GE alfalfa has been around for a while, I sort of feel like that ship has sailed at this point. I know of a farm down that road from us that has several hundred acers of Monsanto GMO alfalfa thats atleast a two year old stand. If you are buying non organic alfalfa at your local feed store there is a chance you have been getting GMO alfalfa.

Anyone else keeping an eye on the GMO sugar beets? I live in an area that produces alot of sugar beets so I have been keeping track of it since it is close to home... like the neighbors field
Go to the website or facebook account Millions against Monsanto (MaM). All the up to date info is there.
It is becoming a battle to get real food now. They just released a new research report on GMO Soy and its negative health benefits. I think the link to the report is on MaM.
Some people have had battles with feed company nutritionists over the pros and cons of GM alfalfa. Of course they think it is perfectly safe. To say anything otherwise would put their job in jeopardy.

The Non GMO Project website is pretty good too for up to date info and what Monsanto and its buddies are cooking up next.
You want to fight this? Check out Alex Jones, he broadcasts out of Austin TX, ""...Also Jesse Ventura. He has exposes on tru-tv(204 on dish) My wife & I have been learning so much after we retired & had the time. The internet & "youtube" has so much info on who & how "THEY" are in the act of destroying us as free people, controlling the world. GOD BLESS US ALL & pray for HIS help.

P.S. BTW, I'm from Lufkin TX & I've been trying to inform everyone I can but it seems nobody wants to listen & face the truth of what they have become, what they have to do to help correct it all...:rolleyes
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This is all because of America's morals and how we believe we deserve EVERYTHING when and how we want it. We spend out money on QUANITY over QUALITY and China is profitting off of us for it. I tell my parents all the time, they ask me why I shop like I shop and how I could possibly afford such good things on such a low budget. I tell them I want quality, and I make it work because I do simple things, like use coupons, shop fliers, hit 2 or more stores, grow much of my own produce, or trade with local farms and neighbors for what I don't have. We use reclaimed free materials for our building project (ie. Coops) and do things the hard way, because its the best way... and my family deserves the best.

If you believe your family deserves the best... get better, stop crying its 'too much work' and protect what you have and what you love. Stop worrying about MORE and worry about BETTER!

You need to network and interact... you do need to call and email you don't approve of this and why. Send them copies of the links you've read, ask them why these things are out there if they are 'not true' and tell them to send you copies of all the research and where it came from to tell you it is safe! Make them convince us, and not dictate us! This is a democracy!

P.s. - There have been research fields of GMO Round Up REady Alfalfa, but according to the website, they have not sold this to the general public as of yet. Previously, Monsanto, refused the government's standards that were set in place. This time their is nothing to control or regulate it. USDA has decided its enough to go regulation FREE!
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x2 on both of these. I tell my family, DH's family, friends... and they all look horrified and then go right to the store and keep buying the same stuff, go right to the polls and vote the same way. They pull their heads out of their... sand... so that they can claim they're "informed" and all but then back in it goes. I'd understand if it was Nazi Germany or something, just listening to someone ramble gets you killed... but that's not SUPPOSED to be the case here. I just don't get it.

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