Sign Petition to stop GMO Alfalfa from entering circulation

You will please note I said every fat person that I know personally.....altho I think not being active....and I'm not talking about your son......does weigh in on why most people are overweight.

I have stayed out of this thread up until now....but I will say, as I've said before, you don't want the crops I'm growing that is fine with me.......but don't tell me what you deem appropriate that I can or can't grow.
As a former fatty (now I am just chubby), it was the composition of my diet and NOT the calories that made me fat. It was changing the composition of my diet, and NOT exercise, that finally allowed me to lose weight, reverse my high blood pressure, reverse prediabetes, etc...

Sloth is a SIDE EFFECT of obesity. It is NOT the cause.

Great free lecture here if you are really interested in the science...
One more here...

As for GMO in the food supply, unless you are growing it yourself, you are eating GMOs in some form. Even something as innocent as vitamin D enriched milk has corn in it. Corn oil is used as a carrier for the vitamin D. Speaking of vitamin D, I take supplements in winter. Found out the one I bought last time uses soy oil ARG!

Not sure about the absorption issue. That wasn't one of my research targets. I would like to see the nutrition text book info.

In general I am not an anti-science person. I am VERY MUCH against the business practices used against farmers, seed cleaners and the general public by Monsanto and others. I don't believe the gmo crops have been properly tested, and I don't believe they can be contained. I also think that things containing gmo should be clearly labeled so individual consumers can decide if they want them or not. The fact that so much effort has gone in to hiding the ingredients tells me A LOT.

So, with all this going on, I just made a seed vault that is going in my deep freeze for long term storage. My garden is expanding and I am switching my ducks and quail to non gmo whole grains and raising as much food as possible. The back yard is already mostly growing beds. I am working on the front yard this year.
Ok...try not to laugh....

.167th of an acre

Yes. That decimal point is in the right place. It's a tiny suburban lot. The only grass in my back yard is on the paths. The duck pen covers the entire back of the lot. I have a quail pen next to the shed. 2 grape vines along the duck pen fence. 2 apple trees and 1 pear tree. I grow vertically where ever I can using poles, panels, and trellises.
That is food for thought. I never really thought of this. I mean my goal isn't to become overweight but neat point. Where did you learn this from? I have never heard of this.

School and personal experience. I am very small and I get very ill very quickly and end up much closer to death than people in a shorter amount of time because of it.

Also, here's an article:
You will please note I said every fat person that I know personally.....altho I think not being active....and I'm not talking about your son......does weigh in on why most people are overweight.

I have stayed out of this thread up until now....but I will say, as I've said before, you don't want the crops I'm growing that is fine with me.......but don't tell me what you deem appropriate that I can or can't grow.

You can grow whatever you want to grow. But I think as the people purchasing we should have a say in what we buy or don't buy. Clearly, back on topic. Allowing produce and other GMO foods out that will contaminate the food I do want is unfair.

So if I grow a non-GMO crop and it crosses with a GMO crop... how is that not your problem? You could be the person who chooses not to recycle and that's your choice... but you don't throw your garbage in other people's back yards.

Then of course there is the other issue that the USDA will not label products that contain GMO produce. Why? Because my rights violate other's profits. Personally, I don't care how much or how little someone is making. I want to be informed, and make informed decisions.

So please don't take this personally.
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I grow a non-GMO crop and it crosses with a GMO crop... how is that not your problem? You could be the person who chooses not to recycle and that's your choice... but you don't throw your garbage in other people's back yards.

Then of course there is the other issue that the USDA will not label products that contain GMO produce. Why? Because my rights violate other's profits. Personally, I don't care how much or how little someone is making. I want to be informed, and make informed decisions.

That is exactly the point. I want the choice. Not having it labeled as GMO removes that option. Growing my own and having someone down the street with a gmo crop that spreads its pollen on my crop removes my choice again.​
it is more likely a combination of several things. You just can't say everyone's lazy and should get up more. People could start to move again, but their diets are still poor. I blame that on the department of health and the poor insurance coverages along with the usda's horrible nutrition guide. :p

Every fat person I personally know is pretty much lazy and a couch potato.......they have no desire to get up and exercise let alone do any physical labor. If more calories are going into someone's mouth than are being burned during that same amount of time they're going to start packing on the doesn't matter where those calories come from.

It is also hard for someone to maintain a healthy weight when they live in poverty, or have poor health. If you have poor health and you work yourself into the ground you don't have energy to work out, on top of it, if you have a low income you usually can only afford fattening carb based foods. Most low income people are very hard working and so they often don't have the time or energy to grow added veggies, or in the case of inner city people do not have the land.
In my case I was in a serious car wreck. I went through two years of physical therapy and surgeries. I gained wait from my inability to exercise. I eat a largely fresh diet of fruits veggies and whole grains. I am not huge but I am not the tiny thing I use to be. Slowly I am loosing that weight as I can get around more and more each day, but it doesn't change the fact that if I didn't have a big garden to supliment my food, and the help of friends and family to maintain it, I would be eating mostly cheep grains such as rice, white flour, and corn based products because that is all I can afford, which means I would be much heavier.
Yes there are those who simply refuse to control their food intake and have the ability without the ill to tend to their diet and to exercise properly, but there are also those with legitamat health and economic reasons for their weight.

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