Signups Closed- Easter/April Gift Swap

Happy St. Patty's Day everyone!!!

Last month it was suggested that we post our hobbies, interests, favorite color, house decor, etc to give the idea of what we might like. Some of us like to personalize the gifts to the people they are going to. If you would like to do this feel free to let us get to know you!

eta: Refer back to post #1 for a recap as I will put them all there so they can be found.

and welcome CountryPantry
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Whoever gets BBFs name ... send ALL HER CHOCOLATE to MEEEEEEEEEE!!


Very Cute Texasgal!!! then try to


ETA: I love chocolate, skittles, or the sugar free lifesavers, or jolly ranchers, I Love Different candy! Not a huge fan of cranberries, or cherries in my candy. I collect frogs, pheasants. I still live at home with my parnets (29) not much room. OR I play Farmville on Facebook. Purple my favorite Color, my room colors are green w/ purple accents
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I'm actually not a big sweets eater .. I do like chocolate, though. Had to give the cookies to my girls .. they have decided that if mom says something is "too sweet" .. it must be PERFECT.. lol
I like just about anything, it's a gift, i love to get gifts...I like to give them too. but to help out I like country/traditional, not foo foo stuff, my colors are the earth tones, my kitchen accent color is red, i really don't have a collection of anything in particular, yes i love chicks and roosters. i like unique items. and yes i love chocolate.
Hobbies I have include cake decorating, gardening, fishing, and chickens of course. My house and kitchen are earth tones (with chickens and sunflowers in the kitchen. I like candles and pretty much anything. As far as chocolate, well let's just say there is no chocolate bar too big for me (and of course my boys are always willing to help eat anything I don't want or don't eat fast enough).
Yeah... sweets aren't my friend either. You're not alone. I am trying to work through some yucky health probs so sugar is on hold for a while. I do love it though! And I don't have kids... so it usually goes off to work with the DH. He's training for a marathon so he's also skipping the sugars (
). We like to eat sugar free fat free pudding and diet this and that. Boring huh.

I am an Anthropology girl, confused. I like the traditional burgundy, green, brown, tan and that's what my house looks like. But when you open my drawers to grab a glass, it might be pink or blue or green. I also love red accents, but when I'm wearing an apron or using a towel they will probably be pastels with cute flowers or birdies. I mean seriously, even my dog matches the decor, she matches the walls
. Eclectic in the closet/drawer and traditional on the walls, so confused I tell ya!

I love this.... it's so fun. Easter is super exciting and there are some really fun things out there. I can't wait for my assignment. What do you all like.
I really dont have any kind of theme, I like South Western colors and plan to redo the kitchen that day... Funny how when Im off Id rather rebuild the barn than paint the kitchen. I collect Salt and pepper shakers, and chefs/Bakers...(I am a baker at Publix) I LOVE making and eating chocolate, Bread, Cake, Cupcakes, Candy and Food!
Id LOVE to have another dachshund but that would be hard to mail.
I Like Sunflowers, Chickens, Geese, Turkeys and Animals in general.
I prefer to wear Black but my kids fuss at me for being dreary.
Im really not picky!BUT, If its cute my daughter will take it from me
and if its edible my Hubby and son will grab it

Surprise me!
I like cats, and whimiscal stuff. I collect gemstone spheres. I love soft stuff animals. my colors are green and some blues and in bed room yellows and greens. I don't have kids... Just me and hubby... I can not have caffiene so no chocolate due to heart problems.
But most of all I love ppl having fun with my swaps, so go to it!!

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