Silkie chicks dying

Your chicks do sound like they have a case of coccidia. I had a really bad outbreak a while back, and there was no obvious sign other than droopy wings/fatigue looking birds with pale combs. Eventually you could see it in the droppings, but like another user already said, not always will you have bloody droppings. To be safe, I'd recommend dosing with corid, if you can. It won't harm them if they have it or not... Otherwise I honestly wouldn't know what else could be killing them. Please show pics when you can
I'm curious why you would not use medicated feed. Medicated feed can prevent coccidiosis. I have used medicated feed in the past. It doesn't treat coccidiosis, but it can prevent it.
To my understanding, medicated feed only helps prevent 1 strand of cocci. While there are more out there. I've also heard that corid and medicated feed don't work together.
I agree but that's the best I could get it to. They are also in a room in the house so there isn't any dips in temp. The birds are in and out of the heat area and the silkies are huddled under the light as if they are cold. The Easter eggers are thriving with no loses
These chicks are too young to have coccidiosis as a cause of illness. The Silkies are less able to manage their body heat, and huddling under the heat lamp is an obvious sign that they are cold. Your EE chicks are larger, have better feathering, even at this age, and may not have been as chilled in transit either.
Try increasing the heat right under the lamp, so the chicks spend less time right under it. Also have some food and water nearer to them; spread some chick starter under the lamp, with a trail of it to the feeder.
I hope your remaining babies survive!

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