Silkie chicks from Ideal Hatchery

Julie's Silkies

11 Years
Jul 27, 2008
Gloucester, Virginia
I was wondering if anyone has got some silkie chicks from Ideal before and What they have turned out like.
If you have pic's of any grown silkies from them, Please posted I would love to see them.
I just bought some from there.
My lavenders are 3 months old from Ideal. Check my website for pictures of the cockerals. I have to upload pictures of the pullet yet. I also ordered red, buff and white from Ideal.
I am looking to adopt ( or buy) a very quiet young white silky hen this fall around New York City or the Jeresy Shore. I already have one happy white silkie- this wold be a companion. I live in a brownstone in the city- the birds have access to three fenced in organically maintained yards and their roosting box is kept in a greenhouse for warmth over the winter. Every day I crack fresh corn for little Friendly and she gets lots of petting from not just me but the neighbors toddler children who save their breakfast cereal and fruit for her and feed her out their tiny hands. She is much loved - only a little lonely. Thanks!


These were from Ideal last October. They were pet quality, but very lovable and sweet. All the chicks we've ordered from Ideal have been healthy except one.
Thanks Julie for the pics and reply. Your silkies are absolutely gorgeous! A few more stupid questions for You if I may- I've never done this before as if You couldn't tell, right?

Did You have to have a warmer setup when You received Your chicks? Could they drink out of a normal water bowl or would they have fallen in? How did You teach them to drink ? ( My little silkie hen didn't catch onto it for weeks- I guess she was drinking dew off the leaves and I soaked bread for her too to eat) What do chicks like to eat? How many months passed before they were big enough to let out on their own in the daytime? Did You have any scares with predators such as cats? Any tips how to prevent them?

One last really stupid question- do silkies lay eggs and where? Do they need a rooster to do so? My beautiful little white hen has never laid a single one as far as I know. Thank You so much for the kind advice, Ava
You really need to get online and get some information on how to take care of chicks. I think the hatchery has instructions for their early care, then you can find other info by googling. Good luck with your chicks.
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I am new to the forum and have a Silkie Chick question.

I considered buying a silkie chick about 3 weeks old from a private breeder.

I read a lot of bad stuff considering chick mortality at this age even using medicated feed and a proper brooding temperature.

My silkie was to be a house pet so I have to ask:

1. Would you think it better to get an older silkie for it would be hardier ?

2. Do silkies make a good house pet, let me say sort of a bird lapdog or is this a myth ?

I haven't had any trouble with chicks that age dying or even being sick. I like to get them young because it's fun to watch them grow, just like a kitten or puppy.

As far as having chickens in the house... I think you could do it, but chickens cannot be litter box trained and they poop a lot! I guess that would be up to you, if you wanted to keep one in the house.

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