Silkie Cross Thread!! PICS!!

Luv1another thanks for your reply? Did you just have him and her together for a short period of time or give him access to other hens all at same time or how ?

I just have one rooster with all my hens. I am in town so am only allowed 12 chooks (chickens all up) so he was in with all of my hens. I had seen him mating her so knew the eggs should be fertile. I had one silkie who was very clucky and sitting on a golf ball so put 2 eggs under her from the other silkie and the roo. unfortunately the big hens ate one baby but the eggs had been put in a few days apart thankfully so took her and the other egg out and put them in my dogs carrier. once the baby hatched I kept them in the carrier for a few days then allowed them out a few times a day. after probably a week I had the carrier out on the back yard and let them out during the day and at night locked them in the crate till baby was about 4 weeks and big enough for the other hens to not think it was a mouse and something to be eaten.
I have since got a smaller rooster in a swap with someone as half my hens were too small for the big rooster as I have a couple pekins as well s a couple other small ones.
These are from a Silkie x Red Jungle Fowl rooster and a Brown Leghorn Bantam hen:

And this one from the same rooster with a Quail Dutch hen:

The first is my silkie/brahma mix I named Fluster Cluck (Flusty) who turned out to be a roo....couldn't keep him in my county so I traded him for Goldie, another silkie/brahma mix :)

This is squishy now he has started crowing I love how his neck feathers look like someone has taken a marker and outlined each one

I adopted a couple of 1 year old silkies a few weeks ago from someone who had to give her babies away, and it just dawned on me the other day... silkies are supposed to have walnut combs, aren't they? These two have smallish but clearly serrated combs, so I'm assuming they're some sort of cross. Everything about them looks like a non-bearded, except those combs! I'm guessing the cross happened a couple of generations back... any ideas what it could have been? This is Snowball, and she has a more prominent "purebred" look, but here sister has an even fatter comb and the nature of her feathers had me thinking she was a boy at first!

They're both cuties and are little foraging fiends! These two even go out in the rain and mud and start plowing when the other chickens are hiding!

Greetings everyone!

My alpha hen Lucrezia (first photo) is hatching her first clutch of eggs. The eggs are mostly hers and her half-sister's, Isabel, (second photo). The proud dad is Mr. Kelly (third photo). All three are half-silkies.

Now, my question is: what are the chances of the babies having silkie characteristics?

Hi, I have a 5 toed hen, she's not a silkie, I'm pretty sure she's mutt, maybe some silky in ancestry. I just wanted to know from people experienced in cross breeding chickens with 5 toes, do the chicks always come out with either 5 toes or 4 toes, or is it normal for some of them to have weird toes? My hen has 10 chicks at the moments and some have normal 4 toes or 5 toes, but others have strange looking toes.

I couldn't get great pics as they're difficult to catch, but here's two of them.

This one has what I think are reasonably normal 5 toes.

But this one has some sort of weird double thick toe with an extra nail and then an extra long toe with a bump in the middle.

Quite a few of them also just have the long toes.

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