Silkie-Pullets or Roo's


In the Brooder
11 Years
May 20, 2008


The partridge is a pullet. The others are a little young to tell but I'm going to guess anyhow
The white looks like a pullet and the blue may be a cockeral?
Okay, so how can you folks tell that the first one is a pullet without being able to see straight into its face???? I have only been able to tell my two black silkies sexes since I have been able to see them straight on and see the breadth of the cockerel's comb and his wattles?

Please help me out here...


By the way, that is one B E A U T I F U L silkie....
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With a Silkie at her age and with her distinct features it is easy. Here is what I see: The feathers in the crest are all uniform in length and create a perfect pom-pom. In males there are streamer feathers that vary in length and flip back towards the body. She has no sickle or hackle feathers. Her tail is just a big puffball. In males there are feathers that are harder at the base that arch up and then back down.

She is a very pretty non-bearded Partridge pullet.
Thanks for the help. I'm gonna go back outside and look at my oldest black pair. They are still only about 3 1/2 months old, but I can at least tell that one is a cockerel and one is a pullet. Now I will watch for those other attributes.

Every little bit helps.

By the way, are bearded and non bearded both accepted standards, or is one preferred over the other?
I bought those partridge eggs from MotherGoose. I had a great hatch rate.
The Partridge pullet is a cutie and soo tame.

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