Silkie Sexing Project 2.0

While we're waiting for the next batch, anyone can feel free to keep their gender identifying skills sharp with my like-aged silkie!

Okay AlrightyGina, as a scientist you have my attention. Have you thought of running any statistical tests on your data? You are getting nice quantitative measurements so you should at least attempt a statistical test against your data to see if you have anything interesting. If your hypothesis is that the growth rate of the silkie pullet is significantly different than the growth rate of the silkie cockerel, then you need to find the proper statistical test (and maybe data transformations) to test your hypothesis accurately.

I have always used this site as a good reference:

and maybe see if there are any other similar studies performed and use the same methodology those studies used.

Good luck and good work! A lot of incredible science has been produced by independent enthusiasts, hobbyists, and inquiring minds. Never doubt that your inquiry, no matter how small it may seem, if done with proper rigor will add to the collective knowledge of humanity! Or at least the collective knowledge of the forum.
Interesting! I’ve been following this experiment to see what people say. I’ve been thinking cockerel because its comb is a bit deeper. Maybe that’s not always an indicator though, you know more than me. 😆

Honestly at this age flipping a coin is pretty much as good. You are right about the comb but it's far more telling how it changes over time than how it starts out. Now if it stays proportional to the chick's size I'd change my guess, haha.
Okay AlrightyGina, as a scientist you have my attention. Have you thought of running any statistical tests on your data? You are getting nice quantitative measurements so you should at least attempt a statistical test against your data to see if you have anything interesting. If your hypothesis is that the growth rate of the silkie pullet is significantly different than the growth rate of the silkie cockerel, then you need to find the proper statistical test (and maybe data transformations) to test your hypothesis accurately.

I have always used this site as a good reference:

and maybe see if there are any other similar studies performed and use the same methodology those studies used.

Good luck and good work! A lot of incredible science has been produced by independent enthusiasts, hobbyists, and inquiring minds. Never doubt that your inquiry, no matter how small it may seem, if done with proper rigor will add to the collective knowledge of humanity! Or at least the collective knowledge of the forum.

Oh hey, thanks for that! I'll definitely look into it.

I did look for similar projects/studies last year and I found this one from the 30s, though its purpose was a bit different but with basically the same goal; finding a way to separate out the sexes. I'm pretty sure it won't be possible to find much newer than that since vent sexing came about shortly thereafter (1933?)

I'm doing my best to maintain the proper rigor, and doing a lot more documentation this time around than I did last time, when I was doing it more out of curiosity and less to see if the concept could be properly demonstrated.

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