Silkie thread!

if both have blue genes - yes. BUT partridge shouldn't carry it and white you never know what it is masking under the white. So it is very improbable. To get splash you need splash x splash, splash X blue or Blue X blue

Or i was wondering cause i was looking for hatching eggs and someone i contacted said they do it by partridge and whithe that's all
Hey SilverSilkie!

I wish I actually KNEW her, but I spent quite a while in a yahoo group with her and Alan and OMGosh their birds are so wonderful! I have their websites on my favorites list and Alan's website and his information is fantastic! I am so jealous that you have some of their lovely Silkies!!
Partridges need to have both alleles of a gene (eb = 1 allel, eb/eb = 2 alleles, so 2 alleles are 1 gene) since "eb" is recessive on "E" you need always both "eb" alleles together to can express on the outside.
If you have only 1 allel "eb" and the other allel is "E" you become the heterozygous gene "E/eb" which express the Dominant allel "E" = Black phenotype (with possible outbreak of gold or Silver, depending on what the chick is based).
Yes exactely, that "eye-line" on that recently posted photo, = female ;-)

Does that mean if there is no line it is male?

When it is a chick with the partridge pattern with no "eye-line" = male.
Hey everyone, so today i got a non-bearded splash silkie roo from someone here on byc, i went to pick up eggs i bought from them and came home with two silkies,
. WELL he is really pretty, dont have a pic sorry will get one up tomorrow, but i didn't notice until i got him that his comb and wattles are reddish. I know some roos get red in there combs sometimes. Can anyone shed light on this.

ETA - Here is a poor quality pic that i took when i got home.
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Doesn't everyone? (Well, all Silkie People, lol)

X2 I think almost all silkie people have SOME of her bloodline!

Well, I don't, but I have some from Alan's line, and that is where she got her start, too.
Oh no! The santa cat is ahead of my silkie! Please vote for Suze's "Partridge in a Pear Tree" silkie at

stake is a $100 gift certificate to my favourite coffee shop...

I entered a photo of one of my silkie chickens in Seattle Espresso’s photo contest. (I never enter contests, but when my favorite local coffee shop announced it, I decided it would be fun to try.) My photo was in the lead, but in the last couple of days it's been neck to neck with an evil Santa Kitty photo
(I really do like cats, just not when they are beating my poor silkie.) If you are on facebook, please go to Seattle Espresso’s page, click on Photo Contest at the left and vote for my Partridge in a Pear Tree.

Another 10+ hours to vote if you haven't...if you have, maybe crosspost to friends?

X2 I think almost all silkie people have SOME of her bloodline!

Well, I don't, but I have some from Alan's line, and that is where she got her start, too.

A few years ago I arranged a Bobbi Silkie egg-package for a little girl Jessy birthday present, Bobbi did it with pleasure.
Now friend of mine in France got eggs from her last summer.
if both have blue genes - yes. BUT partridge shouldn't carry it and white you never know what it is masking under the white. So it is very improbable. To get splash you need splash x splash, splash X blue or Blue X blue

This is a Blue Silver partridge hen I created myself in the SilverSilkie-project :

But I never saw a photo of someone else before of this "unique" coloration is Silkies.
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